The Grand Tour


Many a Jane Austen era novel mentions young persons taking “The Grand Tour” across Europe. We left for our Anniversary Grand Tour knowing we would experience the excitement of travel, the educational opportunities to learn about other places, the joy of meeting new people, and the drain of financial resources.

But on our Grand Tour some of the things we learned were surprising.


When working at a fast-food restaurant, I was once reprimanded by a customer for
putting too much ice in his soda. Are there really people who think less ice is better?

Apparently so. Before we left, I learned to say “ice, please” in Italian and French. But ice was not always available. At McDonalds in Disneyland Paris, there is NO ICE. None. Not a cube.


 I have always felt souvenirs were special to those at home, but this time decided nobody needed another mug or t-shirt. So, I decided to invest in postcards. I prepared labels for my 40 closest friends in advance so I could mail messages and love from across the continent.

 In the Termini Station in Rome I bought 40 cards at .75 euros each. Then the stamps at a whopping 2.5 euros each! I wrote messages and then searched Italy for a mailbox. Finally, in Florence, a street vendor showed me his postcard mailbox. I left the cards with him, grateful for his assistance. And I purchased no more postcards.

 If any one of my readers has received a card, please let me know. At this time, NONE have been delivered.


 We were surprised, and embarrassed, to note that the countries we visited were much more intentional about recycling. Every trash receptacle had places for waste and various recycling categories. I never saw a plastic straw – when straws were provided at all, they were paper. Although bottles of water were available in stores, in many restaurants they were not. And stores do not provide plastic shopping bags. They can be purchased, or you can bring your own reusable bag.

 I am now collecting shopping bags as my own souvenirs. I can assure you my trip to Kroger was enhanced when I put my groceries in my London, Paris and Florence shopping totes.


 Martin and I don’t drink alcohol of any kind. At all. We are not prudes; we just don’t like the taste.

 Before our tour, we participated in Stephanie’s wine tasting class. We learned about red, white, dry and dessert wines and humbly accepted our new expert status.

 In Tuscany our tour included an evening dinner at a winery. After a walk to the vineyard and an explanation of the process, our host said we would be enjoying six different wines with our five-course dinner. We were determined to taste and evaluate each. They were different – and some were more drinkable than others. We finished with grappa which is distilled from the skins left after the other wines are made. It is clear, 40-80% alcohol, is taken at the end of the meal to help with digestion. And it tastes like furniture polish.

 That night we drank more alcohol than in the previous 50 years combined. Because we only tasted each selection, we felt no effect and were able to enjoy the impromptu show provided by our dinner companions who may have drunk a lot more than we did.

 (Because I continue to keep these blogs short, more stories next Thursday!)


Ice cream in Paris


  1. I am ready to go again

  2. Did you have any problems finding someone to take you & Martin Picts together?

    1. We never had a problem. Tried to do selfies and you can see the difference. We were in a tour group for part of the time, and had family the other part. But there are always people asking for us to take pictures and offering to take ours.

  3. So happy for you both! BON Voyage!


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