Three Amigas

 I seldom wear hats because I have never found one that I believed looked good on my head. But I have always wanted to be part of a Red Hat Society. They promote themselves as a playgroup for women with a passion for fun, friendship, fitness, and freedom of positive expression – hence, the red hats and a few purple boas. Aunt Bobbye is a member and has often posted pictures of her adventures.


Several years ago, my brother called me from Arkansas to ask if I could help Kathy, the piano player at the little country church where we grew up. This friend had been diagnosed and treated for cancer and her current doctors said her best chance for remission was through a program at MD Anderson Hospital in Houston.

Kathy drove 500 miles with her friends, Anita and Marchia. Martin helped them unload their car and came back whispering, “They’re packing heat!” As they entered our home laughing, we knew we were embarking on an adventure with Thelma and Louise, and another Louise – without the driving off a cliff thing.

They were prepared to drive Kathy to the hospital each day, but I sensed that the trip across state lines was less stressful for them than driving in Houston, so I offered to serve as Uber driver. (I was going to say taxi driver, but that would have aged me.) On my way to work each morning, I delivered them to the medical center. Anita and Marchia were there to sit with Kathy, take care of her needs, and offer support as she underwent the trials of….well, the trials of medical trials. At the end of each day, I picked them up and laughed with them as they told stories of hospital escapades and antics.

Their schedule didn’t allow for a trip to NASA, a day at Galveston beach, or even a ride on the Metro to downtown Houston.

However, they were fans of the reality television series “The Little Couple” featuring two Houstonians, Jennifer Arnold and Bill Klein. Bill had recently opened Rocky & Maggie, a pet supply store in Rice Village. I surprised the trio with a visit to the store and they couldn’t have been more pleased if I had offered them discounts at Neiman Marcus in the Galleria.

It’s a common social media assertion that the most popular videos are those of laughing babies. There is pure innocence in the giggles brought on by watching blocks fall or playing peek-a-boo with a puppy.

But I contend that the laughter of senior women who still enjoy the adventure of life is a close second. Innocence may be challenged by loss, grief and struggles. But joy remains. I had several days of laughter with Kathy, Anita and Marchia – three amigas who should have been wearing red hats.

MD Anderson was unable to offer Kathy the cure she was seeking. She went home to continued treatments that would result in several more years of life, laughter and even loss. She is missed by those who called her friend.

Thanks, Joe, for sharing your friend with me.


  1. Blessed are the people that have friends

  2. What a beautiful tribute to Kathy and the people who loved her!

    1. She had the ability to make everyone feel they were her friends immediately .

  3. A wonderful tribute to Kathy she always talked about her visit in Houston and time she shared with friends and family. She was surprised being accepted as a family member in a truly Christian family from people she just met. Thanks for the love and fellowship shown Kathy by Nancy, Martin and everyone.

  4. I love it, friends are those you cry, laugh and make memories with. ❤🌻


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