Some time ago, Ben said he and Rachel were celebrating Friendsgiving. I assumed he invented this word but was interested to find that it has been around several years and in 2020 actually made it into Merriam-Webster’s dictionary. This link will answer basic questions for the truly curious.

What is Friendsgiving

My family has always been willing to adjust Thanksgiving traditions to accommodate life changes and needs. We have had small dinners at Luby’s Cafeteria and have had extravaganzas with large crowds. We have shopped in the middle of the night and have camped in the cold.

But I think I have not spent enough time considering Friendsgiving – an opportunity to express gratitude for those people who add so much joy, support and funny stories to our life.

Thank you, God, for “best friends.”

I have had best friends who became significant others in my life for a season.  (Martin you are my permanent BFF.) Years ago, I made a somewhat pompous pronouncement that I would no longer use the term “best friend” because it was limiting. Since then, Charlotte has graciously introduced me as “sort of like my best friend but we don’t call it that.”

Thank you, God, for readily available friends.

At a women’s retreat in the woods in East Texas (Lakeview), everyone was in their pajamas and in bed when I announced that I was getting up, getting dressed, and walking to the Coke machine. They all stared except Shirley who wordlessly got up and put on her shoes.

These are the friends who will meet you at the emergency room, keep your kids, or tell you how amazing you are when you just need to hear it.

Thank you, God, for my work friends.

Second only to my paycheck, my work friends were the best part of having a job. These are the people I saw more than family. I knew who had the best snack stash, who kept extra office supplies and who was most likely to bring donuts. They were also the ones who laughed and cried with me on a daily basis. And our lunches together were legendary.

Thank you, God, for Co-Madres.

Xochil shared this term recently when her son-in-law’s mother passed away. I am grateful for Bernie and Becky. I love sharing children with you.

Thank you, God, for church friends.

The worship of God is a focus for church-goers. But if you have ever labored to prepare Vacation Bible School, set tables for women’s tea events, taught Sunday School to young adults, attended church camp, or led youth mission teams – you know that the friends you make at church help you find God in people.

Thank you, God, for gossip friends.

Don’t panic. I do not refer to “Mean Girl” style of trashing others. I mean close friends you trust not to repeat your less-than-kind comments while helping you process your frustrations and then telling you to move on. You know who you are.

Thank you, God, for my new retirement friends.

Pandemic life has made this challenging. So, a shout out to those future friends I will meet at the gym, in our travels, at the library or in marches for justice. I am coming.




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