Nana’s Bits and Pieces

Years ago, my sister Betty asked me what I would do if I ever retired. I took her question seriously, pondered it for a while, and finally had an answer. I wanted to write. 

I was in a job where I did some writing – letters, grant requests, reports.  I enjoyed that part of my work so decided not to wait for retirement and added a hobby to my middle-aged life. I wrote for fun. I read Writing for Dummies to understand the writing world. I offered a couple of humorous submissions which were published in the Houston Chronicle. Sold a few articles to regional magazines. And shared a book of short stories as a family Christmas gift.

Then life offered other distractions and I put away my pen (meaning keyboard.)

In September of 2020 I began a new career as full-time Nana in the time of Covid. This season has not been the long lazy days interspersed with adventurous travel that I envisioned as I prepared social security forms, found health care insurance for the elderly, and set up a new budget.

Betty's question has returned and my answer remains the same. I am hungry for words, stories, thoughts and editing. So, now I am going to try blogging to fill that hunger. I purchased Blogging for Dummies (yes, there is a pattern), read about how to blog, where to blog, and what to blog. Then I put away the book and just started writing.

Life often presents challenges, but I find that there are many things to laugh about. I invite you to laugh with me (and even at me). This blog will be a weekly effort at sharing the humor in ordinary things – and will be limited to 500 words. I hope that is enough to make you feel it was worth the effort and not so much it feels like homework.

I have named my blog “Nana’s Bits and Pieces” intentionally. In my world. “Nana” will always be loved unconditionally regardless of what embarrassing moments may be revealed in my blogging. And “Bits and Pieces” frees me to write whatever comes to my head without thought of theme or topic.

I spent the summer looking for things to blog about and was amazed at how the world became a more interesting place when I asked “how would I tell that story.” One year after my actual retirement, I am ready to begin.

The link below provides you with an opportunity to subscribe (which means you will get an email each time I post a new article.) And at the bottom of that email is a link to unsubscribe (which means you won’t get an email each time I post a new article.) See how much I learned from Blogging for Dummies?

You are welcome to share my efforts with others who might find my blog to be a light moment in their week.

I look forward to “talking” with you and invite you to comment if you want to talk back.


  1. I'm so excited to see where this new path in life takes you!

    1. Thanks, Miranda. So far it has been a fun adventure learning how this works.

  2. Yay! I LOVE your first post and I cannot wait to read more Nana's Bits and Pieces. This way I get to keep up with our friendship knowing what is going on in your life! Thanks for inviting me to join your blog.

  3. Nancy,
    As probably one of the very few people in the universe who doesn't engage in social media, I don't believe I have ever made a comment on a blog before! After this past year and a half, we all need as much lighthearted joy as we can find! You have a special gift in seeing the humor in life's seemingly mundane moments, and I look forward to your sharing those with us. Thanks for being a beautiful friend!


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